Re: Stupid crackers exploiting stupid users

pluvius (
Tue, 25 Oct 1994 16:32:00 -0400 (EDT)

> > I'm sending a copy to so that (a) vanepp probably gets it,
> > and (b) if vanepp's mail is being stolen somehow that I can't see
> > through VRFY and EXPN, the other roots there can deal with it.
> The cracker just wants to mailbomb vanepp.  He's done it before, he'll
> do it again.  Just not from *my* site, if I have anything to say about
> it.
> Does ANYBODY have any code that will limit the number of messages a
> single user can send per day??  Or any other code to detect mail
> bombs?  Sending 5 identical messages to different addresses?  (Or the
> same address, for that matter..)

 oh that's grand, you want to hack telnet so that it checks the 
destination port and after x numbers of connects to a smtp port it sais
"sorry, you can't send any more mail".
 a hell of a lot better solution is to get affected sites to install 
sendmail 8.6.9 because the brialliant crackers who are doing this are 
clearly too inept to spoof identd - i'm sure a 'helo user@host' will give 
them the willies and get them to lay off